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Why AWS might be your best startup strategy

Tamara Cvijanović

Author at JSGuru

Imagine the following scenario: You’re about to start or you already have enrolled your own business. You don’t earn much or at all, but you need to invest a lot. You want to dedicate most of your time and energy to developing your project, but technical issues slowly begin to drag off more and more of your capacities. 

Questions arise: Where do I store my data? How do I keep it safe? Who is to take care of it? You opt for old safe house server that you can keep your eye on. Then suddenly, your business jumps high on demand, in just several weeks or even days, but your current infrastructure just can’t hold it.

What can you do to prevent this? Rumour has it that the Amazon Web Services is the leading cloud provider in the world. Plus, it offers special benefits to startups in terms of technical support, training and promotional codes for their services for up to $15.000. Here we’ll break down its main features using tips that every entrepreneur should keep in mind.

Don’t pay for what you’re not making use of

When it comes to investing in your business infrastructure, every penny counts. Cloud computing is the absolute money-saver: there are no infrastructure nor personnel needed. In other words, you don’t invest in big servers because your data is stored on the outsourced platform. But the real deal of cost savings lies in its pay-as-you-go feature: AWS allows traffic storage capacity to increase only on days needed. There are no upfront costs and users only pay only for what they use.

React quickly on changes

When you’re launching a startup, you’re hoping for the best – that your idea will get noticed and make income. But you don’t know at which moment your capacity will blow. Storing your data on AWS will give you the flexibility you’re looking for. You can be ready for expanding your computer capacity and storage in only 10 minutes. AWS can effortlessly handle all sudden and increased requirements of the organization and automatically maintain your project’s performance.

Are you planning to relocate your business? When changing the market, AWS allows you to simply deploy the whole application in multiple regions around the world in just a few clicks. In that way, your application keeps performing without interruption at a minimal cost.

Focus on developing your product

Less focus on infrastructure means more dedication to business – that’s exactly what AWS is about. Thanks to sophisticated automation, AWS grants more time for creative work and less thinking about hardware. Some may be worried about storing their data on an external platform, but the truth is that AWS is much more secure than your own data centre could ever be. 

AWS offers very high infrastructure protection, including threat protection, compliance and data privacy, identity and access management. With its 77 availability zones in more than 190 countries served, AWS disposes of backup at any moment without risk of losing data. As proof, Netflix, LinkedIn, Reddit, Pinterest, Spotify and many more are all based on Amazon Web Services. 

When troubles occur, never stay alone

By holding the fastest pace of innovation among cloud providers, AWS is regularly improving its features. However, at some point, you’re going to face dilemmas about some services. Luckily, at any moment you can rely on huge chunks of experience shared globally by AWS community members. To illustrate, there are millions of active customers and tens of thousands of AWS partners across the globe. In fact, Amazon Web Services gather the largest cloud community in the world. Consequently, chances are that every imaginable issue that you might face using AWS has already been encountered, explained and resolved.

To wrap up

In brief, here’s what makes AWS the leading cloud platform in the world, and possibly the best solution for your business:

1. It disposes of the biggest number of functionalities which increase in more than 30 a year

2. AWS Activate program offers benefits and a portfolio package designed specifically for startups 

3. It’s the largest community of customers and partners

4. It provides savings of computing costs by up to 70%

5. It is convenient and highly easy to use

This blog is part of the project Digital.Bumblebee. It aims to assist newbie entrepreneurs and busy professionals in all stages of their business journey as a handy generator of broadly applicable startup resources. In its nest, you will find amazing IT solutions, tips and consultancy for foolproof business ideas, and the webinar “How to leverage AWS services for your startup growth?” was just the beginning of it.