
HomeCraft is a management platform & communication tool for tenants, landlords and property handymen. It keeps everybody in the loop and provides full-scale reports on faulty objects in just a few clicks.
Real Estate management can be rather complex, especially for landlords of multiple properties. When you rent an apartment in Sweden, you usually also rent appliances, paying for each item on top of the rent. This further complicates the process…
Our client wanted to make it easy for landlords to track the status of their estate, its equipment, and establish a simple way of sharing information with tenants.
After an intense period of developing the project from scratch (product development and UX design), our team of professionals helped build a minimum viable product with a set of features to make the solution stand out and scalable.
How we solved it
It was necessary for HomeCraft to have both web and mobile apps. In general, the software enables landlords to design and draw apartments in just a few clicks. The software renders them in 2D/3D straight from the browser, which enables tenants to access all the data about maintaining everything in the apartment.
Additionally the mobile app allows tenants to communicate with each other, as well as to create reports on faulty items for landlords. The app also gives them the possibility to request new appliances for the apartment. In addition, we integrated third-party services BankID and Fortnox into the software because these two are well-known and widely used in Sweden, which further enhances the experience on the platform.
The whole system automates all significant processes for landlords, maintenance specialists and tenants. The real estate market recognizes HomeCraft’s potential in Sweden, and that is why it has become one of the most talked about and most promising Real Estate tech startups in the country.
Client testimonial
Alexander Gabrielsson
Real Estate Transparency Platform